At Skyline Guest Ranch, we take great pride in our stock's breeding, raising, and training. Our horses are fundamental to our business's success and the happiness of our clients. Each summer our guides eagerly begin work on our new group of colts. Training your own horses leads to well-behaved, cooperative animals that can safely navigate our mountainous terrain with even the most novice riders.

Sparky es un caballo gentil, amable y trabajador. Tiene una gran actitud y le encanta trabajar. Lo que más nos gusta de Sparky es su amor.

Sage has a heart of gold and was born broke! She never bucked a day in her life! For over two decades, Sage has been the world's best kids' horse. She is always willing to help someone have a positive first experience on horseback!
"Fancy Clancy' is a beautiful Friesian Percheron draft cross and Luke's personal horse. He has a playful and childlike nature. Clancy takes his job as Luke's favorite horse very seriously! Every morning, without fail he is waiting for him at the barn door!

Chance es un caballo tan dulce y enérgico. Siempre está listo para trotar o galopar a través de un prado de montaña.

Boe nace y crece en Skyline. Tiene genética que se remonta a los caballos originales de la primera manada Skyline. Aunque a Boe le tomó más tiempo de lo normal decidir dejar de brincar, vale su peso en oro.

Crackerjack es un gigante gentil. A pesar de su gran tamaño, su comportamiento es amable y dulce. Ama a todos los que conoce y ama a los humanos y los animales.

Jimmy es un verdadero caballo de montaña que conoce estas montañas mejor que nadie ni nada. No importa las circunstancias, llueva o truene, él traerá su hogar a salvo. ¡El dinero no puede comprar un mejor caballo!
Kameesha nombró a Sioux por la famosa canción de Johnny Cash 'A Boy Name Sue'. Algunos pueden decir que esto le dio un complejo. A pesar de su desafortunado nombre, es un caballo fenomenal; seguro y valiente.

Crackerjack is a gentle giant. Despite his big size, his demeanor is kind and sweet. He loves everyone he meets and is affectionate and loving to humans and animals.
Diamond is big and quirky, but has a good heart! He is a beautiful chocolate palomino with a flaxen mane and tail. Currently, he is our trail ride guide Leonna's favorite ride.

Lady is a small but strong mare with a very dignified and proper personality. She is a smooth ride and is arguably one of the most beautiful horses on the ranch. Luke bought Lady for Lara in 2020.

Bess is the definition of a solid workhorse. She is undeniably strong and has a deep-rooted willingness to work hard. She is one of the horses that pull our wagon for weddings and special events!

Pete es una manguera dorada tanto en color como en naturaleza. Aunque le tomó un tiempo darse cuenta de que el mundo no da tanto miedo, ahora puede llevar a cualquier ciclista con confianza.

Crackerjack es un gigante gentil. A pesar de su gran tamaño, su comportamiento es amable y dulce. Ama a todos los que conoce y ama a los humanos y los animales.

Clyde has a very strong personality. He likes to be in the front on all trail rides. He 'pretends' to be the leader of the herd! He is a sturdy hardworking horse and extremely sure-footed.

Tinker is the first foal of our beloved mare Sage. She has a wild paint look but gentle and obedient nature. Tinker is Kameesha's favorite horse, she rides her almost every day!

Chico tiene una actitud de nunca parar. Es dulce, amable y siempre está dispuesto a trabajar duro. Lleva el nombre de Chico Hot Springs, ubicado a 40 millas del Parque Nacional de Yellowstone.
Red Hot
Appropriately named after her fiery personality, Red Hot is full of spice. To Colter, her owner, she is attentive and caring but everyone else better watch out for her big personality!

Trudy is a Tennessee walking horse that joined our herd in 2021. She is gated, making her a comfortable and easy ride. This winter Trudy had her first baby, a spunky and trouble-making little filly named Calamity Jane!
Winchester is a beautiful blue roan with a heart of gold, He is a big baby that loves attention and apples. His fun disposition is just an added bonus to his surefooted and comfortable ride.

Dolly the Mule
Dolly is a mule with no shortage of character and sass, as evident in the picture above! Lukus has taken on the responsibility of breaking her into a reliable riding mule. Despite his best intentions, Dolly bucks every spring!
Cheyenne the Mule (extremo izquierdo)
Cheyenne es el animal más viejo en Skyline Guest Ranch. Aunque tiene 33 años, todavÃa tiene fuego y pasión por el trabajo duro. ¡Amamos a nuestra dulce niña!
The Boys
Big, Rich, John, and Henry are always together (literally tied in a line) so it's fitting to feature them together. As an outfitter, a good string of mules is a must. Though tougher than nails, all four are big sweet babies!

J-Lo la mula
J-Lo es nuestra mula de 'escalada en roca' de Tennessee. No perderá un paso e irá a donde se le pida. Monta y empaca con precisión y gracia sin esfuerzo.